

How can my child be admitted to Montpelier Primary School?

There is a single point of entry to start school for children born between 1st September and 31st August in the year that they are 5. Legally children do not have to start school until the term after their 5th birthday and the school will be flexible with parents wishing to take up this option for their child.

The Local Authority is responsible for the allocation of Foundation places at Montpelier Primary School. Application forms are availabe from schools or online at  Parents will have the opportunity to decide thier first, second and their choices of primary schools for their children and will be offered a place in the spring term.

The school has a planned admission level of 90 children for each year in Foundation and Key Stage 1 and 96 in Key Stage 2.

Parents wishing to transfer older children to Montpelier should contact the Admission Team for information about availability of places. These will vary from time to time and year to year according to pupil movement.


In accordance with the School Admissions Code 2014, the Greenshaw Learning Trust has consulted on the admissions arrangements for Montpelier Primary School for entry. Please find below the determined admission arrangements for the school.


In-Year Applications

Montpelier Primary School is part of the Plymouth City Council’s Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme for In-Year Admissions. Applications for admission to Reception/Year 6 after 1st September and for admission into Years 1 to 11 must be made to the Local Authority in which the school is situated using their In-Year Application Form. If you wish to apply for a place at Montpelier Primary School, you must name the school as one of your preferences on the application form and return it to the Plymouth City Council.

Where there are more applicants than places available, the school will maintain a waiting list according to the oversubscription criteria detailed in the school’s admission arrangements without regard to the date the application was received or when a child’s name was added to the waiting list.
Positions on waiting lists may go down as well as up. This is because other children might be added to the waiting list who have a greater priority for a place against the school’s admission criteria; for example, when new families move into the area or when other families who had not previously named Montpelier Primary School as a preference, ask to go on the waiting list after the initial allocations date.


To view the school’s admission arrangements, please click here:


For information on school admission appeals, please click here:



2023-2024 Admission Information